Most of the city markets were flooded with contraband goods. 大多数的城市市场上都充斥着走私货。
The customs officers rummaged the ship suspected to have contraband goods. 海关人员仔细搜查了一艘有走私嫌疑的海轮。
The draft statement would give new force to a regime of inspecting cargo coming into and out of North Korea for contraband goods, Ms. 赖斯说,声明草案将授于一个机构新的权力,对进出朝鲜的货船实施禁运品检查。
People who smuggle contraband goods will be punished by the law. 偷运违禁物品的行为,要受到法律的制裁。
Related products, such as poultry, eggs, Chicken, Chicken Claw, as well as contraband goods such as marinated. 相关的鸡鸭产品如鸡蛋、鸡丁、凤爪、鸡翅等也是禁品。
The non-daily necessities shall be taken care of by the prison for the criminal or with the agreement of the criminal be returned to his or her families, and contraband goods shall be confiscated. 非生活必需品,由监狱代为保管或者征得罪犯同意退回其家属,违禁品予以没收。
But the issue about some special articles like immovable property or contraband goods etc, whether could be the target of crime of robbery, is controversial in criminal law circles at home and abroad. 但是,对于像不动产、违禁品等这样一些特殊物品能否成为抢劫罪的对象,则无论国外还是国内刑法理论界都存在争论。
No vehicles loaded with inflammable, explosive, poisonous, harmful or other dangerous cargo or other contraband goods shall be parked. 不得停放装有易燃、易爆、有毒、有害等危险物品或者其他违禁物品的车辆。
The police have discovered out some contraband goods in his traveling bag. 警察从他的旅行包里搜出了违禁品。
Contraband goods were found in his house. 在他的房子里发现了走私货。
Any contraband? Any fresh fruit, live plants, or animals? Have you got any prohibit goods with you? 有没有任何违禁品?有没有新鲜食品、物或动物?您随身带有什么违禁品吗?
They are looking for contraband undeclared goods and people including terrorists trying to enter the country illegally. 他们搜查的是违禁品,被申报物品和包括恐怖分子在内的那些想非法进入美国的人。
Contraband goods were found in the storehouse of the hotel. 在旅馆的储藏室里发现了走私货。
Certificate of transportation of contraband and restricted goods International Campaign against Traffic in Drugs 禁限运货物运输证明书国际禁止贩运毒品运动
They played an important role in military defense, control of people? s movement, checking contraband goods and bringing criminals to justice. 关津在军事防御、控制人员往来、检查违禁物品、缉拿罪犯等方面起着重要作用。
Firstly, set different procedures of contraband and other dangerous goods and the illegal income, set different procedures of the property domestic and abroad. 首先区别设置违禁品及其他危险物品与一般违法所得的处理程序、国内财产与境外财产的处理程序。
In bringing contraband into the relative and absolute contraband contraband, based on a theoretical summary analysis of the contraband goods, as the object of crime corruption controversy and differences. 在把违禁品划分为相对违禁品和绝对违禁品的基础上,总结分析了理论上对违禁品作为贪污罪犯罪对象的争议和分歧。
First of all, starting from the concept of contraband and stolen goods, and then illustrates the ideas about contraband and stolen property as the object of robbery behavior and position. 首先,从违禁品和赃物的概念出发,然后说明了各个关于违禁品和赃物作为抢劫罪行为对象的观点及立场。